Wednesday 10 September 2014

Schlachtensee Caterpillar Wake

On one of my last afternoons in Berlin, we went to Schlachtensee to wade around the lake. There, in one of its shady shallows, I found a bright yellow caterpillar in the water; a small Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala) that looked like it had already tragically drowned and sunk to the bottom of the lake. I didn't know how long it had been submerged under water.


In any case, after thinking about it for a while, I fished the caterpillar out of the water and made a little shrine for it on the edge of the lake. A small german child came over to look at it, and poured a little of the grainy (and highly absorbent) sand over it. Later when Lecky and Chris came back from their swim I was going to show them the caterpillar shrine, and it was then that I realised the caterpillar had moved away from its original position where I had laid it down to rest. I poked it with a stick and it squirmed! The caterpillar had revived!


Here it is after I had replaced it back on a leaf on a nearby bush.

Next time you're caterpillar-sitting your friend's pet caterpillar and it has accidentally fallen into a moat for an undetermined period of time, don't panic. Just take it out, let it dry out and maybe it will wriggle back to life.

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